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Educational Opportunities

build your vet mobility with us


Our agency specialises in the tailored Organization and management of Erasmus plus projects, ensuring a personalised approach to international educational and training opportunities.

Erasmus+ is the European Union Program in the sectors of Education, Training, Youth and Sport, for the period 2021-2027. 

Building on the success achieved by the Program in the 2014-2020 period, Erasmus+ increases opportunities for a greater number of participants and a wide range of organisations. Within the Programme, some key themes take on central roles such as social inclusion, environmental sustainability, the transition towards digital and the promotion of participation in democratic life by younger generations. Spending time in another country to study, learn and work should become the norm, as should being able to speak two other languages ​​in addition to your native language.

Erasmus+ mobilities Valencia

Internships for Students

Synergestic actionables. Organic growth deep dive but circle back or but what’s the real problem we’re trying to solve here?


Synergestic actionables. Organic growth deep dive but circle back or but what’s the real problem we’re trying to solve here?

Preparatory Visits

Synergestic actionables. Organic growth deep dive but circle back or but what’s the real problem we’re trying to solve here?

PCTO Alternanza scuola lavoro Valencia
build your Pon mobility with us


The National Operational Program (PON) of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, entitled “For the School – skills and environments for learning”, financed by the European Structural Funds contains the strategic priorities of the education sector and has a seven-year duration, from 2014 to 2020.

It aims to create a high quality, effective and equitable education and training system by offering schools the opportunity to access additional community resources compared to those already established by the “Buona Scuola”. In fact, for the 2014-2020 Programming, a total budget of just over 3 billion euros is available, divided as follows: approximately 2.2 billion allocated by the European Social Fund (ESF) for the training of pupils, teachers and adults; 800 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for laboratories, digital equipment for schools and for construction interventions. he PON “For school” is aimed at nursery schools and schools of the first and second cycle of education throughout the national territory.

It is divided into 4 axes each with its own specific objectives:


Axis 1 aims to invest in skills, education and lifelong learning

Infrastructure for Education

Axis 2 aims to strengthen school infrastructure and technological equipment.

Institutional and administrative capacity

Axis 3 concerns the strengthening of institutional capacity and the promotion of an efficient Public Administration (E-Government, Open data and Transparency, National Evaluation System, Training of Managers and Officials).

Technical Assistance

Axis 4 is aimed at improving the implementation of the Program by strengthening the management capacity of the Funds (Implementation support services, Program evaluation, Dissemination, Advertising and information).

For your VET mobility or PCTO,
check here all the working sectors we’re in contact with

build your Educational Experience Abroad with us

Educational Trips

Our agency, specialises in organising unforgettable educational journeys for high schools.

With years of experience in the field, we dedicate ourselves to creating educational experiences that go beyond mere sightseeing, enriching students’ educational paths with engaging and stimulating activities.

Each trip is meticulously planned to meet the specific educational and curricular needs of each institution. We work closely with teachers to ensure that every aspect of the trip-from the chosen destinations to the topics covered – is perfectly aligned with educational goals.

Safety is our priority. We provide continuous assistance, 24 hours a day , and take all necessary measures to ensure a serene and safe experience.

Viaggi d'istruzione Valencia Educational Trips
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